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Revision 2019 - April 19th to 22nd

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ast * 29 Apr 2019 12:52:22

Fatality !!

toms * 29 Apr 2019 17:17:48

Thank you for the final version!

The shade-dots effect is my favorite of the demo. Maybe it doesn't last long enough on the screen (changes are too fast). The plasmas are beautiful too (except these strange black lines) but same remark, you can't really appreciate them as they disappear too fast.

Now that you released all your old stuff, I hope you will begin to work on a new demo (4k or more) including the idea #37 from your notebook :)

m_dr_m * 30 Apr 2019 09:35:16

« Strange black lines »

Apparently that's register 1 overflow.
Which is your CRTC 0 model? I couldn't reproduce with mine and was unable to fix it before the new moon.

For now: Ayane, but sure, I plan to bring a 4k next year (the tools are better, and I've improved as a programmer).

Thank you all for this good time in Germany.

toms * 30 Apr 2019 11:22:06 * Modified at 11:26:05

Actually I was speaking about the plasmas displayed between the shade-dots effects. The lines I was talking about (on the right part of the screen, and not black in each plasma sequence) are displayed on my CRTC 1, it doesn't seem to be a bug but more a design choice. Maybe I'm wrong :)

Great to hear that you're working on your tracker and a 4k!

To remember the good time, the photowall has been put online. If you especially are looking for the CPC family, here you should go! Have a good laugh!!

Targhan * 01 May 2019 12:58:14

Just saw the final version.

A few things are better, the beginning of the music has improved, but there is still this shift in the melody in the middle of the demo. Basically I still believe this is a bad song! You should have picked up a better one to convert.

The introduction that was missing is strange and doesn't make any sense. It's like you have a super effect at the bottom but you don't know how to exploit it, so it just "wobble" here and disappear. Was it intended to show a logo or something?

The main part is still full of bugs and dubious design choices that undermine it. Beautiful effects last one second, transitions are awkward and buggy. Where is the "pixel perfection" that was the trademark of Ecole Buissonnière, TAF and Croco Channel?

It seems the demo is a private joke, and only Madram understands what is going on. Look at what you did at the ending! I'm pretty sure it is *funny* to you, but it leave the viewer with the feeling this demo is not finished at all.

Even as a CPCist, I can not really enjoy it, even though this is probably the most technical demo to date.

My advice is:
- Get a good musician, or get a good music since you seem to be good enough to convert songs.
- Don't work alone on the design.

Ahh, sorry for being so negative. But from a monster of knowledge like you, I expected something "perfect". Especially now that other groups (Vanity, Batman) have done such impressive (and polished) demos. You can not go back!

m_dr_m * 01 May 2019 19:05:41

Thanks for the honest feedback, much appreciated!

Yes a lot of things were intended and unreached. There are many reasons for that, including some good ones.

I'll do better in the next Overlanders! demo.

Hicks * 02 May 2019 22:15:33 * Modified at 22:18:17

I remember Targhan told me at Revision that unlike me, he was a good diplomat :)
So let's reverse the roles.

To really appreciate 'Gloire a Piou', we must see beyond appearences. For example, the technic used to display the dot's scroll is very ingenious (coder have to look closely to it), a great extension of TAF. And introducing new technics is one of the main goal of demomaking I think...

So the demo is clearly "coder pr0n" oriented, and will be mainly interesting for coders. And the song is very good, Targhan don't know anything about that (proof: he don't like SID)!

Targhan * 02 May 2019 23:15:58

@Hicks: the trick is to give a harsh critic, but then say "Ahh, sorry for being so negative". That's diplomacy for you!

"Coder prOn" yes, but with a bit more work on the design, it would have been soooo much better.

And no, the music sucks.

m_dr_m * 06 May 2019 20:36:50

For the record, "Sorry" is more an unfortunate verbal tic than a diplomatic trick.
If you think your words are too negative, reformulate.
If you think they are fine, no need to apologize.

Personally, I think they are fine and almost on point.

Mainly interesting for coders?!?

Targhan * 08 May 2019 14:21:58

I think they're fine too!

Hicks * 13 May 2019 23:21:53

Report coming soon!

toms * 20 May 2019 09:43:21

Les leçons du camping (extended) : ne pas dormir sur un matelas dégonflable et à proximité de personnes entamant une bataille de vantouse pour WC à 6h du matin !

Madram au rapport : merci !

Targhan * 20 May 2019 20:35:28

Merci à Madram pour ce rapport, à l'image de sa dernière démo (pas toujours très simple à comprendre, mais on est content qu'elle soit là !!)

Hicks * 21 May 2019 09:33:42 * Modified at 09:34:54

Un reportage digne d'Amslive #8F ! Je souscris bien volontiers à l'exhortation kropotkinienne à l'entraide et aux échanges constructifs entre sceners. Il y aurait bien des threads à ouvrir et des articles à écrire à l'avenir sur tout cela (dev natif, 4k, ruptures compliquées, nouveaux concours, etc.).

Cette édition était particulièrement bonne, même si on est rarement repartis déçus au fil des années. Et pour la 2e année consécutive, 3 productions CPC ont été projetées. Un record qui sera sans doute battu l'an prochain si j'en crois les bruits de couloir !

Le flipper de Rhino a tourné comme il se doit et c'est du bien bel ouvrage, graphiquement et niveau code ("Party Leben" pour la bande son était moins approprié, il est vrai). Les sages pourront m'éclairer : quels sont les précédentes "physiques" un peu abouties qu'on trouve dans d'autres jeux ? (en démo, je pense qu'il n'y a que celle de Phortem, mais je ne sais pas la part de temps réel/précalcul).

Pas de Reset cette année malheureusement (dixit le community manager de l'événement).
Prochain regroupement de CPCistes : l'Alchimie. Moins de currywurst, mais plus de soleil !

m_dr_m * 21 May 2019 15:22:18

« We must see beyond apparences

Isn't that apparent that there is a pretty fair number of dots, some new effets on CPC, effects on top of effects?
I guess I should have used marketing like BG and Vanity and give those technics a name! What cannot be named doesn't exist.

I've learned what Hicks have experienced first hand: technical achievement is not correlated to impact. Also, make-up matters (like they say in Thailand).

I'm preparing a 'nativ-dev' article, auto-centric once again. Stay tuned (like they say in philharmonics).

toms * 22 May 2019 11:34:26 * Modified at 11:34:37

« I'm preparing a 'nativ-dev' article »


TotO * 27 May 2019 11:56:10

Funny event report! :)

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